
Showing posts from April, 2022
  A New World of Digital Trust . Digital Trust keeps extending in 2022 at the exact time when Blockchain technology , non-fungible tokens are transforming our world into a totally different one , this year especially we will see more companies start to enhance physical objects with Blockchain and Tokens . Digital Trust is the confidence that users have in the ability of the company that they can  use technology properly  , provide safety , privacy , reliability  , and data ethics with their online devices and programs . Business Leaders face the greatest pressure on starting to build a digital trust with their customers , starting from asking their customers to trust them in new ways with new innovations and ending with asking for customers personal information and being able to track their online behavior through digital platforms . The fact that digital trust is hard to gain , Technology dark side that is represented in many issues like Hacking , Piracy , Illegal surveillance , the s
DO YOU DIGITAIZE OR DIGITALIZE ? In the wide world of technology , have you ever asked yourself in your daily routine with normal tasks , Do you Digitize or Digitalize ? Are you Familiar with the difference between both ?  In 2022 , You must be able to differentiate between 3 important terms , Digital Transformation , Digitalization and Digitization . Digitization and Digitalization are smaller parts of Digital Transformation . These 3 terms are connected and might be confusing for some people , so let's go through the digital transformation pyramid in order to make it easy and explain each one of them . let's start with the term Digitization ,  Digitization is the process of creating digital representation of physical objects , For example , scanning a paper in your hand using your phone in order to create a digital document (PDF File )  , or scanning photographs and save them , Indeed , Digitization's greatest example is an Excel Spreadsheet based on the data you insert
  What will be the Future of TV in the Age Digitalization ? In Digitalization world , have you ever asked what will the future of tv be ? have you ever wondered if it will coexist or it will disappeared during the challenges of digital world ?  Tv and Broadcasters are facing now the greatest pressure for change because of the new market players such as online streaming platforms " Amazon - Netflix - Disney " and other digital platforms . Digital Streaming Platforms are fundamentally changing the market around us , They change consumer requirement and needs  since the Age of Digitalization started , Each and every company started to have a digital transformation that will change people needs to Tv , For Example : Apple Company , while being an apple user you will found that you have Apple books , Apple news , Apple music , Apple broadcast and even a radio section in your smart phone , so why are you still need tv ?  because of that , here is the fact that people started to rep
Third Party tracking is headmaster of 2022 can you imagine that all of your social actions is being monitored and transformed into online quantified data ? the comment you wrote , the post you viewed , your search history , and every daily basic life activities is now being tracked and analyzed into Data . Let's apply this on your normal daily life , your Facebook or Instagram account monitor your attitude and analyses it , they even track your data information in order to bring to you the best promotions , products , Ads and everything you just think of . How many times you just think of a product or text your friend with its name mention that you will looking for it and buy it , the next minute when you open Facebook you find Ads for this product ? Do you think it is by coincidence ? defiantly it's not , everything you do on your mobile device is being monitored and turned into data to apply it on recommendation systems . The Fact that all of your data is being tracked , for
  it's expected that XR and virtual world will reshape our lives   Extended Reality (XR) is a term that covers the most 3 technologies that changed how people live , those 3 technologies are Virtual Reality (VR) , Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR) . Virtual Reality (VR) is simply putting a headset to enter a fully immersive and Virtual 3D digital environment . Augmented Reality (AR) depends on using phone or glasses to overlay objects on top of real world . Mixed Reality (MR) can be a combination of both technologies VR and AR .  The Technology that covered the three of them is called Extended Reality , and it is one of the most impressive trends in 2022 . A totally new life experience through digital world is achieved by these technologies , they are getting more into our lives , work , socializing , shopping and Entertainment . In Immersive world , people can experience daily life tasks in ways that are more richer than before . The greatest change is visible In work
Technology changed the way we live  Everyday a new tech show up and change the way we live , adapt and use things in our daily lives , the fact that you can do anything at anytime wasn't an option couple of decades ago but now it's a necessity in our lives with Nemours New Technologies  in 2022 there are new technologies that make our lives much easier , Let's talk about Robots and Artificial Intelligence , There is a difference between Artificial Intelligence and Robots .  Robotics are branch of Engineering and computer science that depends on performing tasks without human intervention , Artificial Intelligence depends on emulate human mind in order to learn , There are Minor Projects that depends in using AI in Robotics to perform certain tasks . Robots now throughout the world help human in many major fields , Education , Agriculture , Manufacturing and Business . THE CES 2022 EVENT CES is one of the most influential technology event that focuses on exploring the new t