What will be the Future of TV in the Age Digitalization ?
In Digitalization world , have you ever asked what will the future of tv be ? have you ever wondered if it will coexist or it will disappeared during the challenges of digital world ? 
Tv and Broadcasters are facing now the greatest pressure for change because of the new market players such as online streaming platforms " Amazon - Netflix - Disney " and other digital platforms .
Digital Streaming Platforms are fundamentally changing the market around us , They change consumer requirement and needs 
since the Age of Digitalization started , Each and every company started to have a digital transformation that will change people needs to Tv , For Example : Apple Company , while being an apple user you will found that you have Apple books , Apple news , Apple music , Apple broadcast and even a radio section in your smart phone , so why are you still need tv ? 
because of that , here is the fact that people started to replace their TV with their online digital platforms , and this will change sooner or later the future of tv and video landscape .
Deliotte " A technology company " created four scenarios predicted for the future of tv in 2030 Let's go through them quickly
1- Universal Supermarket 
In this scenario the market will be consolidated , which will lead to disappearance of the trade and Ads agencies , and digital platforms companies will take the leading and control over TV and Video and they will be like a large supermarkets
2- Content Endgame 
in this scenario the large global content owners they are the winners of market transition , and content is the king
3- Revenge of the broadcasters
in this scenario there will be national broadcasters and digital platforms companies will coexist 
4- lost in diversity 
in this scenario national broadcasters will remain independent and there will be also digital platforms companies beside some content producers and broadcasters 
This 4 critical scenarios for the future of tv will remain uncertain but what is certain is that
 Expert predications assured that digitalization will definitely change content production with the digital traffic caused by more mobile usage and more digital platforms usage , indeed Traditional Tv and non-linear content offerings will coexist which means that they will be equally important and will coexist because people won't rely 100% on online streaming platforms when it comes to watching linear content such as sports or major events .
But the fact that broadcasters and content producers can no longer depend on their current position in market , they must try to focus on digitalization and to be more digital even if this will lead to cooperate with their competitors .
Indeed , in a world where technology is the main element in every life detail , broadcasters and content producers must invest in their technological skills and work hard to make sure their technological skills are enough to adapt with how the world is changing around them .


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