A New World of Digital Trust .
Digital Trust keeps extending in 2022 at the exact time when Blockchain technology , non-fungible tokens are transforming our world into a totally different one , this year especially we will see more companies start to enhance physical objects with Blockchain and Tokens .

Digital Trust is the confidence that users have in the ability of the company that they can 
use technology properly , provide safety , privacy , reliability , and data ethics with their online devices and programs .
Business Leaders face the greatest pressure on starting to build a digital trust with their customers , starting from asking their customers to trust them in new ways with new innovations and ending with asking for customers personal information and being able to track their online behavior through digital platforms .

The fact that digital trust is hard to gain , Technology dark side that is represented in many issues like Hacking , Piracy , Illegal surveillance , the spread of fake news and information and Misuse of recorded personal data . All of this considered as a factors that threats the digital trust between organization's and their customers which can badly damage any organization reputation and build irresponsible image for the organization that it's not qualified to use technology properly .

Some organizations are quite careful while using technology to avoid any incidents that may lead to crises that effect organization's reputation , and because of this careful behavior among managers and employees , this leads to accomplish the Four Pillars of Digital Trust.

Blockchain is considered as the new technology of trust which could be indicated because blockchain mainly performs two main tasks , collect and order data in blocks then chain them securely using cryptography 
Source : Deliotte
According to Deliotte " A Technology Company ", the Four Pillars of trust are
1- Ethics and Responsibility : in order to achieve this Pirall , organization must stop misinformation and prevent any unethical or inappropriate use of technology .

2- Privacy and control : to achieve this Pairall , company must put control of personal data in users hands which means they are the people in charge for deciding which data is being collected , how their data is being used and stored by company , indeed , the company must improve the accuracy of customer data that's definitely not a third - party data .

3- Transparency and accessibility :  to gain customer trust , First , organization must enable customer to evaluate the company and its offerings , second , they must clarify to customer how the new adapted AI Technologies operate in order to put them on action and make them more engaged and more confident about the things they will buy or the service they will use .

4- Security and reliability : company must verify the identity of people pretending to be the customers and alert users when there is a suspicious behavior in their account

Technology alone isn't able to build a long term digital trust , what us needed is a combination of good leadership , well planned strategy , follow principles and policies and put 4 Pirall of trust as a core target .


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