In the wide world of technology , have you ever asked yourself in your daily routine with normal tasks , Do you Digitize or Digitalize ? Are you Familiar with the difference between both ? 
In 2022 , You must be able to differentiate between 3 important terms , Digital Transformation , Digitalization and Digitization .
Digitization and Digitalization are smaller parts of Digital Transformation .
These 3 terms are connected and might be confusing for some people , so let's go through the digital transformation pyramid in order to make it easy and explain each one of them .
let's start with the term Digitization ,  Digitization is the process of creating digital representation of physical objects , For example , scanning a paper in your hand using your phone in order to create a digital document (PDF File )  , or scanning photographs and save them , Indeed , Digitization's greatest example is an Excel Spreadsheet based on the data you insert from paper records .
The Term Digitalization Means Improving processes and achieve the best result from digitized data and new digital technologies , Digitalization is the second step in the pyramid and consider the most important one in order to achieve the best outcome . 
Digital Transformation is the big umbrella here , it is the transformation that is enabled by digitalization technologies .

So the answer is , in your normal day with your smart devices , you do both , Digitize and Digitalize .
Digitization could be represented in Scanning you Signature from paper in order to have in on a digital form , or scanning your handwritten paper to transform it into digital pdf documents and creating an excel sheet to insert the data from your paper work .
Digitalization is everywhere around your day , reading newspapers on the internet , write on word document instead of paper .

Digital Transformation is a big part of our world now , in order to identify why it's important you need first to realize the cost of not doing it , In Business , Managers already knows what customers are already in their digital world , they use technology everyday , using digital transformation is a kind of meeting their needs and satisfy them about certain product or service , and this is mainly what is business about .
Benefits of Digital Transformation In work Environment 
1- Improve Customer Satisfaction by providing quick digital solutions to their problems and fast reply 
2- Improve Analytics by better tracking and analyzing processes 
3- Revenue Growth by moving old systems into more modern IT ones 
4-Better Employee Experience and work environment 
5- Improve Employees Digital Skills in order to be compatible with the technology competitive edge 
6- Increase Efficiency and Effectiveness


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