it's expected that XR and virtual world will reshape our lives 
Extended Reality (XR) is a term that covers the most 3 technologies that changed how people live , those 3 technologies are Virtual Reality (VR) , Mixed Reality (MR) and Augmented Reality (AR) .
Virtual Reality (VR) is simply putting a headset to enter a fully immersive and Virtual 3D digital environment .
Augmented Reality (AR) depends on using phone or glasses to overlay objects on top of real world .
Mixed Reality (MR) can be a combination of both technologies VR and AR . 
The Technology that covered the three of them is called Extended Reality , and it is one of the most impressive trends in 2022 .
A totally new life experience through digital world is achieved by these technologies , they are getting more into our lives , work , socializing , shopping and Entertainment .
In Immersive world , people can experience daily life tasks in ways that are more richer than before .
The greatest change is visible In work environments , where people have great ability to collaborate on projects and work effectively .
some companies started to have XR Strategy in their work , For Example , Accenture Company started to put XR solutions for the enterprise in order to reduce costs and increase revenue and to turn work environment to be more effective and efficient . 
Let's go through some of Accenture successful case studies in using (XR) in work environment 
1- Augmented for surgical success - a reality now
First Microsoft HoloLens surgery in Latin America , this technology helps in providing accessibility of visualized data in real time to surgeon during the surgical procedure .
AR change surgical experience
2- Smart glasses to reduce worker stress with AR
Accenture utilized Upskill Skylight Smart glasses to improve the efficiency of complex industrial tasks , AR system allowed technicians to access hands-free instructions at point of assembly in real time .

3- Accenture's Metaverse : The Nth Floor 
A Virtual environments that have been created to bring Accenture people together to meet , learn , socialize in order to bring a geographically distrusted workforce in one place together , this is know as the Nth Floor .

XR Technologies is the Future of work , They enable companies to transform from real world into virtual world .
In addition to work Environment , Entrainment is also changed , Games become more real than how it was before , all what you need is to put your headset and travel from your world into the virtual world designed in the game , objects become more realistic , gamers addict certain games because the games took them from reality into a totally different controlled world , a lot of games companies started to include VR component in their new versions of games in order to attract audience more .
Work and Entertainment Industry face the major changes when it comes to Extended Reality Technology .


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