Third Party tracking is headmaster of 2022
can you imagine that all of your social actions is being monitored and transformed into online quantified data ? the comment you wrote , the post you viewed , your search history , and every daily basic life activities is now being tracked and analyzed into Data .
Let's apply this on your normal daily life , your Facebook or Instagram account monitor your attitude and analyses it , they even track your data information in order to bring to you the best promotions , products , Ads and everything you just think of .
How many times you just think of a product or text your friend with its name mention that you will looking for it and buy it , the next minute when you open Facebook you find Ads for this product ? Do you think it is by coincidence ? defiantly it's not , everything you do on your mobile device is being monitored and turned into data to apply it on recommendation systems .
The Fact that all of your data is being tracked , for some people it's kind of fun , why not ? tracking my data and bring me everything I want , All promotions I need , All Ads and Products I wish to buy , it's useful .
But on the other hand for some people , it might seem as an invasion of privacy , each and everyone of us has a recorded online profile data that includes all of his information , interests , hobbies , favorite products and more ..
Be Careful because all of your data is being monitored online , and you will never be able to access the profile they have built for you .

Are there types of Data when it comes to business and customer information ?

" third party data "

This is your monitored data , it is the data collected about you from your social media accounts , your actions and interactions online , public records and location services . 
some companies and digital businesses consider third party data as incomplete data and they don't rely on it because it follow indirect customer relationship.

"second party data "

this is the kind of data acquired from a certain partner , in many cases the partner is trusted because you actually know him , it is typical third party data because it is collected in same way but by a partner .
Example :
Website activity 
Social Media  Profiles
Customer Surveys 

"First Party data " 
 this is the data collected directly from customers and it follow direct customer relationship , it is accurate and reliable .
Example :
Customer Mobile Number
Customer Email 
Purchase History

" Zero Party Data " 
Zero Party data is a little bit confusing and not all people are aware of it , this kind of data requires direct relationship with customers and it is collected with consent , it's not shared and accurate .
Example :
Communication Preferences 
Customized account configurations 

Privacy become more important now and all customers seek to protect their own privacy online but on the other hand Privacy regulations like GDPR in EU , EEPA in California , and others in progress , mean that is important that companies collect customer data appropriately and transparent on how data will be used , in order to improve customer experiences .


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