2022 is the future for 3D printing 
3D printing which is also known as additive manufacturing , is a technology that helps you create a three dimensional object layer by layer using a computer which leads to achieve more effectiveness and less material waste , it is mainly depends on computer aided designs (CAD)
3D printing Technologies are divided into 3 main technologies : Sintering , Melting and Stereolithography 
Sintering :
it is the Technology of 3D Printing that used in the process where material is being heated but not to the point of melting to create a high resolution objects , indeed , the powder is two types , Metal Powder which is used for the direct metal laser sintering while thermoplastic powders are used for selective laser sintering .

Sintering Process
The second technology is Melting 
Melting : it is the technology of 3D Printing that includes powder bed fusion , direct energy deposition and electron beam melting , this method use lasers , electron beams and electric arcs to print objects by melting the material together on a high temperatures .

Melting Process

The Third Technology is Stereolithography 
Stereolithography : this technology utilizes photopolymerization in order to create parts , it aims to use the correct light source to interact with the material to solidify a section of the object being created in thin layers .
3D Printing Process duration varies from one process to another , it could take a few minutes or several hours or even several days , indeed , it depends on certain factors like the size of the part , setting used for the printing , resolution and material volume , it's important to pay attention to the quality of the outcome part because high quality objects take longer to produce .

Advantages of 3D Printing 
1- Effective Creations of complex geometrics 
This technology is effective in the process of creating complex geometrics parts , in some cases , 3D Printing is cheaper than subtractive production methods because there is no extra material used .
2- Ideal for rapid phototyping 
it allows for small batches and in-house production , this means 3D Printing can create products faster than the traditional manufacturing techniques will , and without depending on any extra supply chains .
3-Allow to create parts with specific properties 
Plastic , metals are most common materials used in 3D printing , but there is also a chance for creating parts from a special materials with specific properties , 3D Printing can be used to create parts with high heat resistance or water repellency .
4- Less Material Waste 
5- Customizable Process 
Because the process is based on computer aided designs (CAD) , it's easy to create and customize any product without impacting manufacturing cost .

3D Printing Industries 
it has applications across a wide range of industries because of its effectiveness
it is used across the aerospace because of its ability to create light and in geometrically complex  , it aims to build a one whole component rather than creating a part from several components which leads to reducing time and less material waste .
in Automotive industry , 3D printing is the king due to inherent weight and cost reductions .
create made to measure implants and devices , for example , hearing aids can created from digital file that is matched to a scan of patient body .


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