
Showing posts from May, 2022
  2022 is the future for 3D printing  3D printing which is also known as additive manufacturing  , is a technology that helps you create a three dimensional object layer by layer using a computer which leads to achieve more effectiveness and less material waste , it is mainly depends on computer aided designs (CAD) 3D printing Technologies are divided into 3 main technologies : Sintering , Melting and Stereolithography  Sintering : it is the Technology of 3D Printing that used in the process where material is being heated but not to the point of melting to create a high resolution objects , indeed , the powder is two types , Metal Powder which is used for the direct metal laser sintering while thermoplastic powders are used for selective laser sintering . Sintering Process The second technology is Melting  Melting : it is the technology of 3D Printing that includes powder bed fusion , direct energy deposition and electron beam melting , this method use lasers , electron beams and elec